Dedicated to preparing and training ministerial leaders for various leadership roles in the Church and society

About Us

Kgolagano College is dedicated to preparing and training ministerial leaders for various leadership roles in the Church and society


We at Kgolagano are committed to a theological education and ministerial formation that stimulates deeper understanding of our faith.
All programmes are designed to be:
  • Inclusive
  • Flexible
  • Academically challenging
  • Responsive to community needs

To serve Churches and Society by offering quality and relevant Academic Programmes

To be recognized as the premium Institute of higher learning in the Country.

  • Botho
  • Integrity
  • Teamwork
  • Student Centered
  • Professionalism
Kgolagano College Students Graduation


Success Stories




Happy Students


Years Experience


Kgolagano Diploma in Theology

Exactly what is a BA in Theology?

Theology is essentially the study of religious practices and concepts, including God. This degree provides students with in-depth knowledge of the history, beliefs, traditions, and modern roles of religion, with a typical focus on Christianity and Judaism.
  • BA Government sponsored – 36 points and above
  • OVC and Vulnerable children – 31 points and above


Kgolagano Diploma in Theology

What is a diploma in theology?

This programme offers general theological education to students who have passed the National Senior Certificate with admission to Diploma studies. It also provides a basis for denominational programmes, formation and practical training with a view to the ministry. A fixed curriculum is prescribed

  • BGSE or its equivalent

Short Courses

We offer a wide range of Short-Courses which you can choose from, Explore more below:

Kgolagano Marriage and Family Life

Marriage and family life

Kgolagano Couselling

Grieve and Bereavement Counselling

Kgolagano Music Programs

Music Programs (Recording, Marimba and Piano Lessons)

What's happening

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Social Science

Exciting Discoveries

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Climate Change

Getting Warmer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur pis elit. Phasellus tristique id dolor nec tempus. Dui eget magna ut mi efficitur mostie. Nulla euagna feugiat, ullamcorper tempus magna.

Community Outreach

Tutoring Opportunities

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